For some strange reason we women find it perfectly normal and justified to spend thousands of dollars every year on moisturizers, anti-aging serums, vitamins and treatments, but we refuse to pay a little more attention to our diet in order to prevent all these problems we try with persistent and chemical to deal with. You do not need to completely change your entire diet. Just add these 4 foods to your daily diet for a start.
1. Nuts
According to US research, 1/3 of women die each year from heart problems. There is no simpler way to protect the health of the most important organ in your body than consuming a small amount of nuts every day, which are full of antioxidants and Ω3 fatty acids. But this miraculous nut does much more than protect your heart: it helps with sleep, lowers cholesterol and fights hunger.
2. Beans
We will never tell you that they are full of fiber. You know that. But what you may be missing is that these legumes can fight the symptoms of menstruation, such as the constant feeling of hunger, fluid retention and mood swings. How do they do it? Thanks to the magnesium they contain, which helps the body eliminate excess water and increase levels of serotonin, the hormone that keeps your mood stable.
3. Fiber (eg oats, broccoli)
A Harvard study of more than 68,000 women found that those who ate the most fiber on a daily basis were 23% less likely to have heart problems than those who did not.
A little oatmeal in the morning, some fruit for a snack and a salad with boiled vegetables as an accompaniment to our lunch or dinner, filled our diet with fiber. Not bad, right?
4. Berries
Women, due to our hormones, during menstruation, but also during pregnancy and breastfeeding, show strong fluctuations in our psychology. Fortunately, the solution to this problem is very simple. A study of 16,010 women found that those who ate two servings of strawberries or one serving of blueberries on a weekly basis had fewer mood swings, most likely due to the strong flavonoids they contained.
However, these miraculous, small fruits also help with the proper functioning of the digestive system, while protecting against colon cancer. After all, they are delicious, what is the reason to complain?
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