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By HealthRevolution Staff
May 13, 2020
The "Humble" Snack That Fights Hunger
No matter how determined you are, losing weight requires hard work and perseverance: daily exercise, homemade food and generally healthy...
Greg Emmanuel
May 11, 2020
10 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism After 40
We all want a fast metabolism that will provide us with a lean waist and perfect proportions, however, as we know, its speeds decrease as...
By HealthRevolution
May 10, 2020
These Are The Foods You Should Avoid During Pregnancy
During pregnancy the woman eats for two, so food obviously occupies an even bigger part of her life. Of course, the data of the daily...
By HealthRevolution Staff
May 9, 2020
After The Crap.. Eat Berries
The dream of every person who loves pizzas, burgers, sweets and generally all foods rich in fat, but at the same time feels remorse after...
By HealthRevolution
May 7, 2020
How Much Salt Can You Eat Each Day?
It is not accidentally called white gold, since salt is an integral part of cooking, while it also has health benefits. Excessive love...
By HealthRevolution
May 6, 2020
Caution! These Are The Most Carcinogenic Foods!
Unfortunately, fourteen million people in the world are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many times this disease is inherited, while...
By HealthRevolution Staff
May 2, 2020
8 Foods That "Cut" Years
We will not lie, every time we hear a new cosmetic product that promises us youthful and glowing skin, we get excited and run to buy it....
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