Everyone know that we should eat healthier, as diet is the magic key to well-being and beauty. Today we decided to finally follow this advice and incorporate 4 of the most beneficial foods in our diet, in order not only to improve our health, but also to get glowing skin and hair.
Portobello mushrooms
If you want strong and long hair, this type of mushroom will become your best friend in the kitchen thanks to its high content of vitamin D, which tones and strengthens the hair. Use it instead of bread in your burger or make delicious risotto and spaghetti.
Brazilian peanuts
In these nuts you will find a large amount of selenium, which is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. Helps fight free radicals, while also fighting acne. This chemical ingredient is found in such large quantities in Brazil peanuts that you need to consume only one a day to meet your daily needs for selenium.
In recent years it has gained the reputation of the ultimate moisturizing and healing plant and not unjustly, since among other things it gives radiance to the skin and prevents lipid peroxidation, which can cause damage to cells. The truth is that aloe is not the most delicious you can put on your plate. That is why we would suggest you not to consume it plain, but to drink a shot of aloe juice daily or to add it to your smoothies.
You may not have fresh breath, but you will definitely have healthy skin if you include more garlic in your diet. The antioxidants it contains and their anti-inflammatory properties will help you fight acne once and for all.