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Writer's pictureBy HealthRevolution

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure With this “Brain Treatment”

Where does hypertension come from?

In the vast majority of hypertension people (9 in 10) no specific cause can be found that causes high blood pressure. Then we say that they suffer from ‘idiopathic’ hypertension.

Today we know that there are factors such as heredity, weight gain, smoking, alcohol abuse, salty foods, intense stress and lack of exercise that are called 'hypertensive' and which predispose the body to hypertension, but without being the cause itself.

All of these factors, with the exception of heredity, are related to your habits and lifestyle and therefore you can eliminate them. Thus, healthy and young people can, as far as possible, secure a future free from this disease and its consequences.

In a small percentage of hypertensive patients (3-5%) there is a specific cause (hormonal disorder, renal artery stenosis, etc.) that is responsible for hypertension and its treatment can lead to cure hypertension. Also, some medications such as birth control pills, anti arthritis medications or nasal decongestants can help with high blood pressure.

Risk factors for hypertension

Is increased body weight responsible for the onset of hypertension?

Weight and blood pressure are closely related. As your weight increases, so does your blood pressure. Of course, being overweight does not necessarily mean that you have high blood pressure.

But be aware that the risk of developing hypertension is two to six times higher if you are overweight than if your weight was normal.

Does salt affect blood pressure?

Salt, or sodium chloride, has been linked to high blood pressure. In primitive breeds where food is not salted, hypertension is very rare. You should know that each organism reacts differently to the amount of salt taken. Excessive salt intake can lead to increased blood pressure and hypertension in previously healthy people, or deregulation of pressure in the already hypertensive.

This condition is called salt-sensitivity and occurs in about 40% of hypertensive individuals. Similarly, if you have high blood pressure and limit the amount of salt you eat, then your blood pressure will drop. This reduction will not be the same for all of you. So your blood pressure will drop a lot if you are salt-sensitive and less so if you are not.

Does alcohol increase your blood pressure?

How much your blood pressure will be affected depends on the amount of alcohol you consume. If you drink large amounts of alcohol, then your blood pressure will rise and at the same time the effectiveness of the antihypertensive drugs you are taking will decrease.

In contrast, consuming a small amount of alcohol does not appear to increase

blood pressure. There is ample evidence that a small amount of alcohol can reduce the risk of heart attack, because it favorably affects HDL cholesterol, the so-called "good" cholesterol.

Does smoking increase blood pressure?

After smoking a cigarette the pressure increases by about 10mm Hg and remains elevated for about another 30 minutes.

As the level of nicotine decreases, the pressure gradually begins to decrease. Of course, if you smoke 10-20 cigarettes a day or more, the pressure remains high for 24 hours.

How does stress affect blood pressure?

Stress (mental stress) is often cited as one of the predisposing factors to hypertension. However, its levels are difficult to measure and stress responses vary from person to person. Different things affect people in different ways.

In general, it is a common belief that if you are competitive, anxious and impatient then you are more likely to develop hypertension. However, there are many people with such a character who have normal blood pressure, as there are people without stress who have hypertension.

Does hypertension have symptoms?

High blood pressure usually does not cause pain or other symptoms that can alert you to the problem and is therefore called a 'silent killer'. Most people find that they have high blood pressure during a routine test. Symptoms only appear in advanced cases and then are usually quite late.

Sometimes some people complain of headaches or dizziness when they have high blood pressure, but these symptoms can be due to many other causes. The same goes for nosebleeds that are not a warning sign of hypertension. Others may experience intense snoring at night with episodes of sleep apnea and drowsiness during the day.

One in three obese hypertensive people develops sleep apnea. In general, most people have no symptoms. That's why many people don't know it's hypertensive and the only way to find out is to measure their blood pressure.

How this “Brain Treatment” cures high blood pressure

You wouldn’t think that a blood pressure score of 320/150 mmHg was even possible, let alone that a person with such a score could survive so long.

However, scientists from the University of Bristol and the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust discovered people just like this.

But luckily for the patients, the researchers have found a natural cure for high blood pressure, meaning that they had to rely on conventional high blood pressure treatments that don’t even work.

The scientists used a procedure called deep brain stimulation, a common treatment typically used on people with Parkinson’s disease and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The neurostimulator works like a pacemaker. It sends electrical impulses through a wire straight to the targeted area in the brain.

After two years of treatment, one subject’s blood pressure, whose systolic score started at 320 mm/Hg, dropped to over 150 points.

In theory, if scientists can identify the area of your brain responsible for your disease or its symptoms, they can target it with deep brain stimulation.

This is yet more proof that high blood pressure is caused by some kind of stress – and that stress can be managed by your brain.

But there’s an easier way to drop your blood pressure than being hooked up to wires.

All you need to do to drop your blood pressure down to 120/80 starting today is to follow these simple exercises that I explain here..

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