Cancer is undoubtedly a disease that affects more and more people, which terrifies more than any other. Other research suggests that it is hereditary, while others blame the modern diet. Unfortunately we can not (yet) change our DNA, but what we can certainly do and quite easily is to change our diet. Hippocrates had said that our food should become our medicine and our medicine should become our food. So let's look at 5 valuable natural ingredients that act as anti-cancer foods…
1. Turmeric
If you have not already incorporated this miraculous spice into your diet, you are really missing out! One of its great properties is that it fights cancer. According to research from the Cancer Center of the University of Texas, curcumin, which is a substance contained in turmeric, has the ability to "separate" cancer cells from normal and neutralize them.
2. Green tea
According to many studies, Asia's favorite beverage has the ability to prevent the growth of tumors, especially in cancers of the breast, lung, esophagus and colon. A recent study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the United States even showed that the polyphenols in green tea also protect against skin cancer, thanks to their ability to "correct" DNA damaged by the sun's ultraviolet radiation.
3. Garlic
According to research from the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Alexandria in Egypt, garlic reduces the chances of breast cancer, while many other studies in the past have shown that the polyphenols it contains, have the ability to inhibit the development of many cancers, such as esophagus, stomach and colon.
4. Fruits and vegetables
Here's another reason to eat as much fruit and vegetables as you can throughout the day. Most and especially those rich in antioxidants, such as berries, help reduce the effects of free radicals and protect against cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach and lungs. Excellent vegetable choices are broccoli thanks to the sulforaphane it contains, beetroot thanks to anthocyanin and tomatoes thanks to lycopene. Also try to include a lot of oranges in your diet, as vitamin C and the 170 different phytochemicals and 60 flavonoids it contains help protect against many types of cancer, such as breast, prostate and skin.
5. Fiber
Try to consume the recommended amount of 18-25gr. fiber per day, incorporating oats, legumes, fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your diet. The reason; They help the proper functioning of the intestine and thus reduce toxins in the body which can cause changes in the cells and consequently cancer, most importantly that of the digestive system.